Do You Do Boyfriend-Girlfriend Quizzes - 4 Major Reasons Not To Do Them

Boyfriend/girlfriend quizzes have been around for ages and they peak your curiosity to see whether the answers you give will ensure your relationship will be successful, but is there a danger in doing them? You see them in magazines and now on the internet where they encourage you to fill it out with or without your partner to confirm whether or not you are compatible, whether you are meant to be together...hello!

How can a quiz really tell you truthfully the answer to a question that will only develop as you grow together and learn more about each other, and yourselves! These types of quiz are aimed at sensationalism and your insecurities, and should never be filled in seriously - if you want a giggle and are prepared not to take it to heart, then fill it out as a fun thing, but remember, that they mean virtually nothing - on the other hand, why would you waste your time?

So, here are 4 major reasons not to do boyfriend/girlfriend quizzes:

They Encourage Paranoia - The questions and answers in the quiz can get you doubting your relationship and the choices you make in that relationship. There can be advice given, a bit like star-gazing or fortune-telling, that bears little resemblance to your actual life together, and the complexities of your relationship. Remember that each relationship, while it is similar to others, is unique and a vague and general quiz cannot truthfully guide you in your relationship with your partner. But it can make you question your partner's loyalty or other attributes which can cast the first seeds of destruction into your relationship.

They Are Generic and General - Quizzes by their nature cannot pinpoint unique and special qualities in your relationship, at best they can only be general and as such any answer you get from them can only be general and not really relevant to your situation. Because of that the value of these answers are worthless and can only help you view your relationship in a false light. Because there is no value in this to build your relationship you cannot rely on any information you can get from them.

They Ignore The Uniqueness of Relationships - As a quiz can only be general it will not be able to take into account the uniqueness of your relationship and therefore cannot effectively analyze it. If you discount the fact that your relationship cannot be analyzed in a general way you will be relying on false information to make changes or base your decisions on and that will only hurt the relationship you are creating.

They Create Doubt - When quizzes highlight that you may not know as much about your partner as you thought you did or raise questions concerning whether or not your partner is being faithful to you, you may find that your trust levels within the relationship drop. You are now looking for problems where there were not any before and you begin to question things that your partner does and perhaps read more into them that are really there. To grow a happy healthy relationship you need to be able to trust your partner and be able to communicate with them openly and honestly.

These are the things that build your relationship and when you are both on the same page, you won't need to check your relationship by filling in a quiz. If you are looking for relationship advice or help developing better communication couple skills then the last place you would realistically look is one of these quizzes.

Check out good relationship advice/skills books or seek expert couples or relationship counselors on or off-line. If you want advice from someone who knows you and your partner, you can always talk with your friends and family and get some support and encouragement from them. At the end of the day, you need to sort through the information you gather and the two of you decide what will work for you, and what won't.

Don't rely on anything that does not resonate as being truthful, positive and helpful, and I doubt very much you can get that from boyfriend/girlfriend quizzes.


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