
Answers About Healthy Relationships (8 Questions that Help Create a Healthy Relationship)

 1. What does a healthy relationship look like? 2. What do I do if I love someone and they keep hurting me? 3. What do I do if I love someone and they don't want to commit to me? 4. How do I know if someone is right for me? 5. What do I do if my boyfriend only wants to see me when he drinks? 6. How can I help to heal the wounds of someone I love? 7. What kind of standards should I have in a relationship? 8. What do I do when I don't feel comfortable "being in love" with someone else? THE ANSWERS 1. What does a healthy relationship look like? A healthy relationship is based first and foremost on trust. It stems from both people being authentic, genuine, caring about themselves and the other person. There is mutual respect, and appreciation. There is an expressed desire from both people to be in the relationship, and for it to flourish. You would never do to the other what you would not want them to do to you, in any manner, and in any way. Both people are there for eac

Do You Do Boyfriend-Girlfriend Quizzes - 4 Major Reasons Not To Do Them

Boyfriend/girlfriend quizzes have been around for ages and they peak your curiosity to see whether the answers you give will ensure your relationship will be successful, but is there a danger in doing them? You see them in magazines and now on the internet where they encourage you to fill it out with or without your partner to confirm whether or not you are compatible, whether you are meant to be together...hello! How can a quiz really tell you truthfully the answer to a question that will only develop as you grow together and learn more about each other, and yourselves! These types of quiz are aimed at sensationalism and your insecurities, and should never be filled in seriously - if you want a giggle and are prepared not to take it to heart , then fill it out as a fun thing, but remember, that they mean virtually nothing - on the other hand, why would you waste your time? So, here are 4 major reasons not to do boyfriend/girlfriend quizzes: They Encourage Paranoia - The questions a